
Health and Safety Consulting

The McNeilly consulting team deliver bespoke solutions to matters relating to Sustainable Occupational Safety and Health in demanding and unforgiving working environments.We offer a partnership of expertise across Safety, Health and Security on an international platform. We can deliver bespoke solutions.

We connect with our customer and pride ourselves on understanding your needs and in partnership, resolving and improving sustainable Safety, Health and Security in your world of work.

Common Framework

When you need to align your HSE strategy with your business goals, we help you implement a common framework. Together we deliver success and sustainability in HSE.

Health Safety and Environment

When you need to deliver HSE throughout your operation, we ensure you have the support and guidance you need. Together we’ll strengthen your HSE performance.

Safety Mission

We are ambitious, focused and dedicated to improving health and safety at work. Together we help you achieve a harm-free workplace and nurture corporate responsibility for our environment.


Vince has a knack for applying safety management system concepts in easy understandable and implementable ways.
Working with him, I have seen first-hand how he pays close attention to what is being said and asked for during consultation sessions and captures the needs and wants within his outlined strategic and action proposals and plans.
He has been a great asset to my clients and contacts.
Eldeen Pozniak, Pozniak Associates


Let’s start a conversation today.

Please give me a call on +44 (0) 7770 965 479 or drop me an email at vince@mcneillyconsulting.com and I’ll look forward to helping you make the lives of your colleagues healthier and safer.

You can also connect with Vince on Linkedin here or follow on Twitter here.