

Unlike many others on the ‘speaking circuit’ Vince has not had his life impacted by a major accident in the workplace. Instead, Vince has built a career spanning 30 years of implementing impeccable working systems, process and practice to avoid these tragic circumstances.

He has held some of the highest positions in health and safety across the world, including being responsible for the health and safety of thousands of employees and contractors in the most dangerous of environments.


By booking Vince, you will get a forthright speaker who can speak with passion and heart when it comes to all things health and safety related.

The best way to find out whether he’s right for your event is to pick up the phone and open up the conversation – call today on 07770 965 479

Let’s start a conversation today.

Please give me a call on +44 (0) 7770 965 479 or drop me an email at vince@mcneillyconsulting.com and I’ll look forward to helping you make the lives of your colleagues healthier and safer.

You can also connect with Vince on Linkedin here or follow on Twitter here.